terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2019

Download Here They Lie For PS4

Download Here They Lie For PS4

PRELUDE | CUSA05344 | Update v1.03 | VR | HACKED

PlatformPlayStation 4
There's something truly terrifying about not having any idea where you are or what you're doing there and not even being able to trust your own eyes. In Here They Lie, part of the horror comes from not knowing if the world is messed up, or if it's just you. The starting area was the scariest for me because everything was so mysterious — as I moved through a train, shadowy figures appeared before me and then vanished. Showing the threat but not actually sending anything my way as I wandered (with smooth movement using the gamepad) through an unfamiliar, labyrinthine subway station was enough to make me tense up quite a bit.



Password: After 10$ payment is done

segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2019

Episode 35: My Kingdom For An App Is Live!

Ep 35: My Kingdom for an App is live!


Adam Loper and I talk about Tabletop Minions and finding opponents for your games.

Join the conversation at https://theveteranwargamer.blogspot.com, email theveteranwargamer@gmail.com, Twitter @veteranwargamer

Follow Adam and the Game For app on Twitter! @tabletopminions @iamgamefor

Game For app for iOS and Android https://iamgamefor.com/

Tabletop Minions Expo https://tabletopminions.org/tmx/ June 9th-10th, 2018

Try Audible for your free audiobook credit by going to http://audibletrial.com/tvwg

Tabletop Minions Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/tabletopminions

Tabletop Minions Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/tabletopminions/

Tabletop Minions Paint Showcase Club Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/236901433338119/

Sam Lenz blog http://samsonminis.blogspot.com/

GenCon http://www.gencon.com/

Adepticon http://www.adepticon.org/

MOHISTORY show at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mohistory-tickets-41577851473

Music courtesy bensound.com. Recorded with zencastr.com. Edited with Audacity. Make your town beautiful; get a haircut.